I am able to read the book on my laptop via Adobe Acrobat reader, but this doesn't solve the issue of how to get the book onto my Kobo for which (as I understand it at least) ADE is neccesary.
I'm still left confused as to why I couldn't get the PDF book onto ADE and would be interested if you or anyone else have any further explanation or suggesions, but no worries if not. In the meantime, I discovered a way to add the book to my kindle rather than my kobo, so I've bypassed the problem (and didn't need the refund). I emailed the company I purchased the pdf book from to ask about the availability of a file format ending in acsm and they said that was the format ending in 'pdf' was the only format they had for this particular title and, whilst they did say that they would raise the issue higher up in case there might be a solution, they also offered me a refund if I was unable to read it on the device I wanted to. The only glimps of a potential explanation and solution I wondered about from reading the articles on the Kobo website was whether the fact that the pdf I was trying to add had the end to the file name (apologies for lack of tech language here!) 'pdf' rather than 'acsm' was the reason it wasn't working. Kobo's help person told me that the problem was most likely with Adobe and that they couldn't help any further.

I did read the articles on Kobo's website and also contact Kobo as you kindly suggested, but unfortuately couldn't make any headway. I then only have to force stop the application once more until it gets to the point of actually being able to open an ebook.Hi Jane, Adobe's email prompt has just reminded me that I never got back to you or the forum about this. I enter my adobe id and then it says 'Fulfilling ', then the application goes unresponsive after that popup disappears. It's the authorisation popup again, except this time its got adobe id selected in the dropdown. It stalled, hanging around in that way that many other adobe products do just before they are about to crash, when I noticed another window flashing on the taskbar. I was prompted again to enter a vendor login id or password, with the vendor dropdown showing as blank (again, top testing work there adobe). And yet, still it does not work with either set of credentials.Įdit : To get it to work I closed adobe digital editions, then double clicked one of the acsm files. I do that (after of course googling it to find out how). Usability testing? pfft who needs that, pub o clock.

Because that would make sense right, having asked me to specify the ebook vendor, then having a field directly after it saying vendor id and password should absolutely relate to someone who is not the vendor.

This thread suggests maybe I had better use an adobe id. Vendor id and password? Yeesssss clearly it would be too obvious to put single use keys in the acsm files or something but whatever, lets get this done.
I hope against hope this will not be the same experience I have had with every other adobe product where they are slow, difficult to use, crash and are apparently incapable of performing an operation without asking you twenty times for an update despite you having already ticked the 'why are you still asking me this? i told you to go away back in 2008' box. So I google acsm and I find out I need adobe digital editions. 1 points to google because i did not say 'give me something that requires me to set up an account with a company that really could not produce worse products if it tried.' I bought a few ebooks from google, selected download as epub. Let's just clarify what I'm trying to do. Necroposting this, because it's still here and still unbelievably rubbish.